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In today’s digital world, having a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS is essential for anyone who wants to create a website or work in the tech industry. These languages are the foundation of web development and provide a solid understanding of how websites are built. Learning HTML and CSS will also give you the skills to make simple changes to existing websites, which can be beneficial for businesses or individuals who want to update their online presence without relying on a developer. Moreover, understanding HTML and CSS can also help you communicate better with web developers and designers, making collaboration easier.Our step-by-step guide teaches you the basics of HTML and how to build your first website. That means how to layout an HTML page, how to add text and images, how to add headings and text formatting, and how to use tables.

HTML is the language in which most websites are written. HTML is used to create pages and make them functional.The code used to make them visually appealing is known as CSS and we shall focus on this in a later tutorial. For now, we will focus onteaching you how to build rather than design.


HTML is the foundation of all web pages. It defines the structure of a page, while CSS defines its style. HTML and CSS are the beginning of everything you need to know to make your first web page! Learn both and start creating amazing websites

Success Feature

  • High-Standard Training
  • Top Technical Instructor
  • Broad Course Curriculum
  • 100% Placement Support
  • Superb Satisfaction Result
  • Internship on Real-Time Project 
  • 3I– Individual Focus, Innovative & Interactive

Target Student

  • Web Developers
  • Frontend Developers
  • Aspiring Developers
  • UI/UX Designers
  • Tech Enthusiasts and Career Changers

Course content

Chapter 1 : An Introduction to the Basics

  • HTML is the language for publishing web pages on the WWW (World-Wide Web, or World-Wide Wait?).
  • HTML is a Document Description Language (aka Document Markup Language). HTML is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. HTML is NOT a programming language like C/C++/C#/Java, which is used to implement programming algorithm.
  • An HTML document is a text document, and it is human-readable.
  • Today, HTML works together with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) (for layout) and JavaScript (for programming).

Chapter 2 : Markup Tags

  • Layout the documents, e.g., <p> (layout as a paragraph), <h1> to <h6> (layout as heading level 1 to 6), <br> (perform a line break), <hr> (draw a horizontal rule), <table> (tabulating data), <ol> (layout an ordered list).
  • Provide link (called hyperlink) to another HTML document, via the <a> (Anchor tag). These hyperlinks, a distinct feature in HTML, greatly help the users in navigating the web and enrich the users’ experience. Hyperlinks make the HTML popular.
  • Embed images, audios, videos, programs (in JavaScript, VBScript, Applet, Flash, or MS ActiveX control), and objects within an HTML document. HTML is multimedia! The hypertext document may contain texts, images, audios, videos, and even programs.

Chapter 3 : HTML Authoring Tools

HTML documents can be created by a wide range of tools, from simple plain-text editors (not recommended), source-code editor (e.g., VS Code, Sublime Text, Notepad++), programming IDE (e.g., Eclipse, NetBeans) to sophisticated WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors (e.g., Dreamweaver).

Chapter 4 : Separating Content and Presentation

It allows the separation of content and presentation. The content provider focuses on the document contents, while the graphic designer concentrates on the view and presentation.

Jordan Reynolds


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