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Python is a general-purpose, versatile, and powerful programming language. It’s a great first language because Python code is concise and easy to read. Whatever you want to do, python can do it. From web development to machine learning to data science, Python is the language for you.

Python is both easy to learn and used for high-level applications. Python programs are used throughout the artificial intelligence and machine learning industry as well as for web development.

Get Started to become a hands-on expert on Python language!

Institue is ever offered with Top Quality Trainers, Best Price, Certification, and 24/7 Customer Care.

Learn Virtually Anywhere. Get Started Python language Online Training Now!

About Project

Python is actually one of the “busiest” programming languages in terms of how many job listings are available. There are a multitude of careers in Python programming because the breadth of Python applications is so significant. Data science, machine learning, mobile application development—Python programmers have their pick of specializations.

If you want to know whether a particular application, or a library with particular functionality, is available in Python there are a number of possible sources of information. The Python web site provides a python Packsge Index (also known as the Cheese Shop, a reference to the Monty Python script of that name). There is also a search page for a number of sources of Python-related information. 

Success Feature

  • High-Standard Training
  • Top Technical Instructor
  • Broad Course Curriculum
  • 100% Placement Support
  • Superb Satisfaction Result
  • Internship on Real-Time Project 
  • 3I– Individual Focus, Innovative & Interactive

Target Student

  • Web Developers
  • Frontend Developers
  • Aspiring Developers
  • UI/UX Designers
  • Tech Enthusiasts and Career Changers


Basic Knowledge Required

  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • No prior experience with Python language is required

Chapter 1 : An Introduction to the Basics

  • What is Python?
  • Characteristics of Python programming
  • Application of Python
  • Evolution of Python & version
  • Study of different features of Python

Chapter 2 : Python Programming

  • Python Fundamentals and Programming
  • Intermediate Python
  • Advanced Python

Chapter 3 : MySQL & Statistics

  • MySQL Basic & interoduction
  • MySQL Practical Examples and Projects
  • Data and Statistics
  • Course assesment

Chapter 4 :Number functions

  • abs , max , min
  • math.ceil , math.floor , round,
  • random functions lile : choice , shuffle , randrange , uniform

Chapter 5 :String function and string operator

  • string operators like + , * , [] , [:] , in , not in
  • case related functions like capitalize , upper , lower , title , swapcase
  • max , min , len
  • ljust , rjust , center , lstrip , rstrip , strip
  • count , index , find , replace
  • split , join , startswith , endswith , reversed , sorted
  • validation functions like isalpha , isdigit , isalnum , isupper , islowe

Chapter 6 : Operators and its qualification

Different types of operators present in the python and its usage. this section also deals with some of the system functions such as print, input, int, etc.

  • Arithmatic Operators [ + , – , * , / , % , // , ** ]
  • Comparision Operators [ > , < , >= , <= , == , != ]
  • Logical Operators [ and , or , not ]
  • Assignment Operators [ += , -= , *= , /= ]
  • Membership Operators [ in , not in ]
  • terenary Operators
  • print , input , int , float , type , str functions

Jordan Reynolds


Lead – Full Stack  |JS Node ES6 | React & Redux | Angular | TS | Java 8,11,17 | Junit 4 & 5 | Spring Boot | JPA | Hibernate | Microservice | OpenShift | K8s | ELK | Docker |AWS |CI/CD| AGILE|A

Variable and variable concept

This section deals with how to declare, initialize, swap, reference the variables with the same and different datatypes. How syntactically it is different from other technologies. Spacing also called indentation concepts.

  • Declaration
  • Initialization
  • Swapping
  • Indirect referencing
  • type identification
  • Syntax
  • Indentation
Advanced concepts

OOPS:(Object oriented programming system)

We will study in this section with the real time programming examples .Importance of objects , object methods , class methods difference between them . Importance of self keyword.

  • Class sstructure
  • importance of objects
  • class methods and object methods
  • Importance of self , __init__ , __name__ , __dict__, __str__ .
  • importance of hasattr(), type(), issubclass(), isinstance(), super() functions
  • class Variables and static variables


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